Thermochimica Acta
Volume 415
Main Index
Issues 1-2, Pages i-x, 1-154 (7 June 2004)
Pages CO2-CO3
Editorial Board
Page iii
Page ix
W Hemminger, G.W.H Höhne, G Wolf
Ultra-fast isothermal calorimetry using thin film sensors
Pages 1-7
S Adamovsky, C Schick
A simple tool for the modeling of heat flow calorimeters
Pages 9-13
J. Lerchner, G. Wolf, C. Auguet, V. Torra
Measurement of enthalpies of sublimation by drop method in a Calvet type calorimeter: design and test of a new system
Pages 15-20
Luis M.N.B.F. Santos, Bernd Schröder, Oscar O.P. Fernandes, Manuel A.V. Ribeiro da Silva
Dynamic calibration of a sensor gas calorimeter for measurement of heat generation rates during kinetic of adsorption experiments
Pages 21-25
Menka Petkovska, Danijela Antov, Wolfgang Zimmermann, Ekkehard Schein
Determination of molar heats of absorption of enantiomers into thin chiral coatings by combined IC calorimetric and microgravimetric (QMB) measurements: I. IC calorimetric measurement of heats of absorption
Pages 27-34
J Lerchner, R Kirchner, J Seidel, D Waehlisch, G Wolf
Determination of vapor pressures, enthalpies of sublimation, and enthalpies of fusion of benzenetriols
Pages 35-42
Sergey P Verevkin, Christoph Schick
Thermoanalytical investigations of hydrogen adsorption on carbon materials
Pages 43-45
E Henneberg, B Bernhardt, K Bohmhammel
Thermophysical properties of solid and liquid platinum
Pages 47-54
B. Wilthan, C. Cagran, C. Brunner, G. Pottlacher
A contribution to the mandelic acid phase diagram
Pages 55-61
Heike Lorenz, Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern
Isothermal titration calorimetric investigations of endotoxin binding to macrophages and the inhibition by polymyxin B
Pages 63-67
Klaus Brandenburg
Bioconjugative polymer nanospheres studied by isothermal titration calorimetry
Pages 69-74
Achim Weber, Marc Herold, Herwig Brunner, Günter E.M Tovar
Application of batch-calorimetry for the investigation of microbial activity
Pages 75-82
M Winkelmann, R Hüttl, G Wolf
Differential scanning calorimetry in the research of degenerative musculoskeletal disorders
Pages 83-87
P Than, I Domán, D Lőrinczy
Differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) measurements on the roe of rainbow trout (
Oncorhynchus mykiss
): influence of maturation and technological treatment
Pages 89-98
Reinhard Schubring
Microcalorimetric investigation on the antimicrobial activity of honey of the stingless bee
spp. and comparison of some parameters with those obtained with standard methods
Pages 99-106
Assegid Garedew, Erik Schmolz, Ingolf Lamprecht
Calorimetric investigation of the antimicrobial action and insight into the chemical properties of “angelita” honey—a product of the stingless bee
Tetragonisca angustula
from Colombia
Pages 107-113
Alexandra Torres, Assegid Garedew, Erik Schmolz, Ingolf Lamprecht
Calorimetrical and biochemical investigations on the influence of the parasitic mite
Varroa destructor
on the development of honeybee brood
Pages 115-121
Claudia Contzen, Assegid Garedew, Ingolf Lamprecht, Erik Schmolz
Examination of the growth of probiotic culture combinations by the isoperibolic batch calorimetry
Pages 123-126
B Schäffer, S Szakály, D Lőrinczy
Interaction enthalpies of solid human serum albumin with water–dioxane mixtures: comparison with water and organic solvent vapor sorption
Pages 127-133
Vladimir A. Sirotkin, Djihanguir A. Faizullin
Heat production rate of the Baltic amphipod
Gammarus oceanicus
at varying salinities
Pages 135-139
Monika Normant, Erik Schmolz, Ingolf Lamprecht
Thermal investigations of some bird nests
Pages 141-148
Ingolf Lamprecht, Erik Schmolz
Author index
Pages 149-150
Subject index
Pages 151-154